Post Secondary Attainment
A post-secondary degree is essential for success in Greater Boston’s knowledge economy, where more than half of all job vacancies require at least an Associate’s degree – a percentage that is expected only to grow. In addition, a typical Bachelor’s degree holder will earn $1 million more than a high-school dropout over the course of a lifetime.
Goal: Percent of high school graduates enrolling in post-secondary education and completing in six years.
Goal: Percent of 25- to 65- year-olds with post-secondary credentials.
Impact Story: Boston Opportunity Youth Collaborative
Convened by the Boston Opportunity Agenda and the Boston Private Industry Council, the Opportunity Youth Collaborative is a group of more than 80 stakeholders who have been working together for the last five years to expand and better connect education and employment pathways available to Boston’s opportunity youth— the 7,000 young people in Boston who are 16-24 years old and are not in school or working.