High School Completion
MCAS Proficiency
While many in the general population understand that proficiency on the MCAS is necessary in order to graduate from high school, MCAS proficiency also serves as an indicator of whether a student will enroll in and complete postsecondary education. According to the Center for Labor Studies, "not only are students with stronger reading and math scores more likely to attend college, but they are also much more likely to enroll in 4-year colleges and graduate with a Bachelor’s degree."
Goal: Percent of 10th Graders who are proficient on MCAS in English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science.
Drop Out Rate and 4 year completion
Lost lifetime earnings in Massachusetts for the class of 2010 dropouts alone will total nearly $3.7 billion, according to the Alliance for Excellent Education. If the state’s male graduation rate grew by just 5%, the Massachusetts economy would see crime-related savings and additional revenue of about $115 million each year.
Goal: Percent of young people who drop out of high school.
Goal: Percent of young people who complete high school in four years.

Impact Story: High School Redesign
Boston Public Schools students are the leaders, scholars, entrepreneurs, advocates and innovators of tomorrow. Boston families deserve nothing less than a world-class innovative education system with welcoming schools that are working to transform the lives of all our children. The job of BPS is to prepare its graduates to be productive, successful workers and citizens.